Psychometric tests

With spring well under way, employers are busy thinking up fiendish methods of weeding out applicants … such as making you do psychometric tests. If you’re faced with selection tests, you’ll need to know how you can do your best. They may have to be taken online or at an assessment centre but, either way, you can find out more about the type of test you’ll be taking and how to maximise your performance.

Employers will explain what the tests involve and often give you some example questions, therefore it’s really important to read the information that the employer provides about the tests. However, just like taking your driving test, you wouldn’t do it without plenty of practice, would you? So how can you get more help?

There are practice tests available online with feedback on your results. The Careers Service’s Profiling for Success package has practice skills tests on verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning. Read more about Profiling for Success and how to take the tests at:

You can also download our Briefing Sheet on psychometric tests and link to practice tests on sites like SHL Direct and Team Focus.

The Careers Service also has books with lots of practice test questions and advice. Call in and ask to borrow one, or see the list of titles with a short description of each at:

You may find it helpful to talk to other students who have had to sit similar tests, or why not discuss the tests with a careers adviser, especially if you’ve been unsuccessful with them in the past.

Careers Service

Careers Service

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