Not from the UK? Tips for looking for work from someone who has done it!

I was quite scared when I decided to look for a job in the UK - coming from another country, with experience only at home but not in the UK and with a limited level of English. But I soon realised that it is not as hard as I imagined.

First I used all the resources on the Careers Service website to get me started - especially to write my CV according to the UK standard. This was when I realised that all my experiences from home are still very relevant because I have developed the same skills as are normally looked for by employers here in the UK. I also used the website to write my cover letter because I have never written anything like that before.

I then used myVacancies to look for jobs because I believed these would be most suitable for students. I was worried about my level of English, as it could never match the level of British students. But I realised that average English is enough and that I just have to overcome my shyness and fear and the employers will like me. 

Until I found a job I never even heard of a National Insurance Number and was a bit nervous about getting it. But the process was straightforward and easy; I booked an appointment myself by calling the phone number and received the NI number within a few weeks.
My first job was as an interpreter which was very easy to find and to do because all I needed was to be able to speak English and my native language. And once I started with this job, I gained much more confidence, developed my skills and my CV, and improved my English. So when I was looking for another job, the process was no longer scary or difficult. 

To sum up, looking for a job as an EU/international student was quite daunting at the beginning but it is not as difficult or hard as I imagined when I came here. If I could give everyone one bit of advice it is to get help from the Student Jobshop and the Careers Service, and you will be a lot less scared about looking for work in the UK!

Martina (Final year Legal Practice Course student)
Careers Service

Careers Service

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