Testing times

It's approaching the time of year when many students start asking us for help with psychometric tests. Often you are asked to take tests online when first applying to an employer, particularly for graduate jobs or placements with large organisations. The results are usually used to decide whether you are invited to interview, or allowed to complete a full application. Although the tests used will vary, the main types are: ability/aptitude tests; situational judgement tests; personality/interest questionnaires. 

I've worked at the Careers Service for 5 years now (how time flies!) and of all the test types it's the numerical reasoning aptitude test that seems to get students in a panic. And I completely understand how they feel - as someone who hasn't seriously used their numeracy skills since high school, my hard earned GCSE in Maths no longer feels like it's worth the paper it's written on! So if, like me, you need to brush up on your numeracy skills, you may find the following to be of help.... 

We love MOOCs here at the Careers Service; who wouldn't love a FREE online course. It starts today (Monday 19th October) and aims to improve your mathematical confidence and help you to gain the skills to pass employers’ numeracy tests.

More FREE help starting today, this time delivered by the University's very own MASH (Mathematics and Statistics Help) Team. Various workshop dates are available in October and December - see the MASH website for details.

If you're just looking for some help and advice on all types of psychometric tests, don't miss our talk at lunchtime today:
You can book your place via the What's On Diary from the link above.

And if you're not able to attend the talk today, the advice on the Psychometric tests section of our website should help to get you started.

Good luck! :)

Katie (Careers Information Officer)
Careers Service

Careers Service

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